I don’t know about you, but I’ve got the perfect outfit: you know the one I’m talking about, that dress that fits perfectly, with those lacy sandals and that light cardigan. I’m all set.
There’s a Coffee House tonight, and the emotions are running high. For those of you who are new to the area, Coffee Houses have come to form the backbone of Monteverde social life for the Quaker community. Here’s what you need to know: there are about five or six of them a year, they are generally put on by the high school students at the Monteverde Friends School, they are basically open mic nights with homemade pizza and dessert, and the funds go towards graduations or end-of-the-year field trips. Anyway, I’m ready.
That’s when you hear it: the drizzle picks up, the wind bellows just a little bit louder. Upon stepping outside you realize that those lacy sandals won’t even take you to the car, and that dress will leave you shivering all night. Sudden changes in weather are a common complication on this mountain, but never fear; us locals have a handy trick up our sleeve. Rubber boots are in for the win. Keep the dress, pull on some leggings underneath, and slip into those black, warm, and, most importantly, waterproof rubber boots, and shimmy on out the door. While it might be an understandable concern elsewhere to go to an evening out in those clunky boots, but this is a special place.
Just as soon as you arrive, and head over to get that juicy slice of pizza you’ve been craving all day, you’ll realize that everyone’s wearing them! “Monteverde Fashion” we call it, and honestly we find it quite cool. So, if you want to be like the cool kids, slip into those boots and come to Square Dance! (Oh, yeah, that’s another Quaker social you wouldn’t want to miss!)